Daniel needed a yearbook photo so he left it up to his mom to figure out how to get him one. When he showed up to our session he was very somber. He was not at all excited to do this but wanted to hurry up & get it over with.

When seniors come to a session already angry and not wanting to participate, I start off with some serious poses. I tell them the whole time see this isn't so bad, you are rocking this! As you can tell in the photos, I'm completely telling the truth. Daniel rocked these images!

While he's getting used to being in front of the camera, I am getting him to let his guard down & trust me to take these photos. One trick that helps a ton is showing some of their photos to them from the back of my camera.

After all of those serious poses Daniel got tired of being angry about the session & embraced being there! We got some genuine smiles and I got to know a bit about him. He loves learning about plants, he's originally from Peru & he definitely is not a fan of the cold rainy weather here in Washington.

Daniel is a really sweet kid who made his mom so happy by showing up & doing these photos. All of this to say: Parents, don't worry about your child not wanting to do the pictures. Book the session & watch me unfold my magic. I promise by the end of the session you will have a senior that is smiling & most loves their photos!