Wildlife Refuge Fun!

Jack's senior session was so much fun! We did this session at the very start of spring so it was still super cold, but the sun kept peeking out to warm us up! Living in Washington we don't get much sunshine, so the chance to capture Jack at Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge with the sun out was amazing!

Not many guys are even willing to talk to others about their faith but Jack loves talking about it. He even wanted pictures with his Bible! I really enjoyed the time getting to know Jack and watching him walk out his faith!

Jack's senior session was so much fun! He told me all about all of his plans to go to Bible college! He's going to move to another state for college then after college he plans to be a pastor or work in some sort of ministry.

Swim Team

Jack got the chance to show off his goggles and cap he uses during swim te4am. He also wore his state championship sweatshirt! It was neat learning all about one of Jack's favorite hobbies!

Barren Land

At the end of our session we grabbed a few shots of him on the gravel path just showing off his personality!

A Picture With Mom

And lastly of course we had to grab a shot with mom! Jack was so sweet to his mom the whole day. He always offered to hold her things and made sure to let her know how much he means to her!