Our Fur Babies

The most precious animals

Having a dog is something so special! They become like family so quickly and it is such a big blessing! We want to help you capture all of your memories with them! From the moment you get them, through birthdays, holidays all the way through till the end of their sweet life. We take time with your pet to make them feel comfortable & let them know they can trust me before we start the session. We also take breaks through the session for them to play or sniff a bit. Anything to get the best shots of them!

Outdoor Shots Of Some Sweet Pups

Indoor Shots Of Some Sweet Pups

End of Life Sessions

This is such a tough time in any pet parents life so we would be honored to help you capture your sweet pups last moments. During these last moments we all experience moments of happiness, sadness & all the emotions in between. There is no wrong way to say goodbye to your beloved pet.